Invoice PDF

A beautiful example invoice

The Invoice PDF API allows you to create beautiful PDF invoices in the simplest possible way. The invoice data simply needs to be sent to the API as JSON data and a high-quality PDF invoice is created. If desired, an EPC QR code or a Swiss QR Invoice can also be added. Four different templates are currently available.

A complete PDF invoice including EPC QR code is visible on the right-hand side.


Invoices created by this API contain valid ZUGFeRD 2.3 XML documents. ZUGFeRD is the German e-invoice standard and has been identical to the French Factur-X standard since version 2.

The documents created are therefore valid e-invoices in Germany and France


The API is available via POST request. The endpoint returns a PDF document with content type application/pdf.


curl -X POST \
    -o 'Invoice.pdf' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
          "sender": {
            "name": "ACME Holding SE"
          "recipient":  {
            "name": "Vehement Capital Partners"
          "items": [
              "description": "Product A",
              "sumPrice": 10,
              "vat": 20
          "contextItems": [
              "title": "Order Date",
              "value": "13.05.2024"


template: String = DEFAULT

The template in which the invoice is to be rendered. The different layouts available can be seen under templates. Defaults to DEFAULT.

sender: Array<Object>

The contact data of the sender of the invoice.

name: String

The name of the company

contact: String

The name of the contact person

street: String

city: String

postalCode: String

country: String

The country of the company headquarters as country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, for example AT or US

vatNumber: String

The VAT number of the company. More on the different formats in the Parameters section of the VAT Verification API.

iban: String

The international bank account number. Is used to create the EPC QR code, the Swiss QR Invoice and for the ZUGFeRD/Factur-X invoice.

bic: String

The bank identifier code. Is used to create the EPC QR code, the Swiss QR Invoice and for the ZUGFeRD/Factur-X invoice.

recipient: Array<Object>

The contact data of the recipient of the invoice.

name: String

The name of the company

contact: String

The name of the contact person

street: String

city: String

postalCode: String

country: String

The country of the company headquarters as country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, for example AT or US

vatNumber: String

The VAT number of the company. More on the different formats in the Parameters section of the VAT Verification API.

iban: String

The international bank account number. Is used to create the EPC QR code, the Swiss QR Invoice and for the ZUGFeRD/Factur-X invoice.

bic: String

The bank identifier code. Is used to create the EPC QR code, the Swiss QR Invoice and for the ZUGFeRD/Factur-X invoice.

logo: String

The logo of the invoice sender which is added to the header of the document encoded as base64.

items: Array<Object>

The list of items that are to be invoiced. At least one item must be provided. Either unitPrice or sumPrice must be set. If the unitPrice field is set, the sumPrice is calculated.

description: String

The description of the invoice item

amount: Float = 1

The amount of the invoice item. Defaults to 1.

unit: String

The optional unit, for example, kilogram or piece.

unitPrice: Float

The price per unit

sumPrice: Float

The total price of the invoice item. If the field is not set, it is calculated using the unit price and amount.

vat: Float

The VAT rate in percent.

feeTaxItems: Array<Object>

The list of fee and tax items. An element to add any tax and/or fees in addition to the invoice items. When using the percent field, the value is calculated from the sum of the invoice items including any previous taxes and fees. The values are calculated in the order passed. Either value or percent must be set.

title: String

The element title for example "Dunning charge".

percent: String

The item percent. The resulting value is calculated from the sum of the invoice items including any previous taxes and fees. The values are calculated in the order passed.

value: String

The item value. A fixed value instead of the calculated percent value.

contextItems: Array<Object>

The list of context items. An informative element that is shown in the content of the invoice, for example to display detailed information such as the invoice number for the respective invoice.

title: String

The item title

value: String

The item value

footerItems: Array<Object>

The list of footer items. An informative element that is shown in the footer of the invoice, for example, to display information about the company.

title: String

The item title

values: Array<String>

A list of values

locale: String = de-AT

The country or language according to which the values are to be formatted. Defaults to de-AT.

currency: String = EUR

The currency according to ISO 4217. Defaults to EUR.

notice: String

A note that is printed at the end of the invoice.

currencyFormat: String = CODE

The currency format to be used. SYMBOL for the currency symbol e.g. €, CODE for the currency abbreviation e.g. EUR and NAME for the name of the currency which is translated using the 'locale' variable, e.g. Euro. Defaults to CODE.

labels: Object

This object can be used to overwrite standard invoice texts.

invoice: String = Invoice

subtotal: String = Subtotal

total: String = Total

amount: String = Amount

description: String = Description

unitPrice: String = Unit price

sumPrice: String = Sum price

numberOfPages: String = {current} | {total}

Use the placeholders {current} and {total} for the current page and the total number of pages respectively.

vat: String = VAT

epcQrCode: Object

The information for creating an EPC QR code. If this object is provided, a QR code will be printed on the invoice. Detailed information can be found in the documentation for the EPC QR code API

reference: String

The payment reference. Can be maximum 35 characters long.

text: String

The bank transfer text. The text can be up to 140 characters long and may not be used in the banking app if the reference parameter is set.

message: String

A user hint which can be maximum 70 characters long.

swissQrInvoice: Object

The information for creating a Swiss QR invoice. If this object is provided, a Swiss QR invoice code will be printed on the invoice. For more details see Swiss QR invoice documentation.

information: String

Unstructured information which can be used for example for payment purpose. The information must not exceed 140 characters in length.

structuredInformation: String

Structured information contains coded information for automated booking of the payment. The syntax definition in the latest version can be found at

reference: String

The reference is either a QR reference (if a QR-IBAN is used in sender.iban) or an ISO 11649 creditor reference.

zugferdDisabled: Boolean = false

To deactivate the automatic creation and integration of the ZUGFeRD/Factur-X e-invoice, the parameter can be set to true.

metadata: Object

Invoice metadata used for ZUGFeRD/Factur-X e-invoices

issueDate: String = today

The date of issue of the invoice. The value is used for the ZUGFeRD e-invoice. If the value is missing, the current date is used.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

dueDate: String = today

The due date of the invoice. The value is used for the ZUGFeRD e-invoice.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

number: String = today

The invoice number of the invoice. The value is used for the ZUGFeRD e-invoice.

If most parameters are utilized, an example curl request could look like this:

curl -X POST \
    -o 'Invoice 9032.pdf' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
          "template": "DEFAULT",
          "sender": {
            "name": "ACME Holding SE",
            "street": "5. Av. Anatole France",
            "postalCode": "75007",
            "city": "Paris",
            "country": "FR",
            "vatNumber": "FRAA999999999",
            "iban": "FR8012739000409912873776J11"
          "recipient": {
            "name": "Vehement Capital Partners",    
            "street": "119 Eaton Square",
            "postalCode": "SW1W 9AL",
            "city": "London",
            "country": "UK",
            "vatNumber": "999999999999"
          "items": [
              "description": "Water Carafe JUAN\n*L / YELLOW*",
              "unitPrice": 11.49,
              "amount": 3,
              "vat": 20
          "feeTaxItems": [
              "title": "Shipping",
              "value": 4.99
          "contextItems": [
              "title": "Order Date",
              "value": "13.05.2024"
          "footerItems": [
              "title": "Social Media",
              "values": [
                "Instagram @acme_holding",
                "X @acme"
          "labels": {
            "invoice": "Invoice #9032",
            "amount": "Qty",
            "unitPrice": "Price",
            "numberOfPages": "Page {current} of {total}"
          "epcQrCode": {
            "text": "Test! Do not transfer!"
          "locale": "fr-FR",
          "currencyFormat": "SYMBOL",
          "notice": "If you have any questions, please do get in contact.\n**Thanks for your trust!**\n\n**Attention:** This is an example invoice to illustrate the possibilities of the [APIstax]( invoice generation API.",
          "metadata": {
            "number": "#9032",
            "issueDate": "2024-05-13",
            "dueDate": "2024-05-20"


Default template

Traditional invoice PDF template

A traditional invoice with a clean layout and clear typography for easy readability.

Use constant DEFAULT in field template.

Classic template

Classic invoice PDF template

A classic invoice with good contrast and clearly separated areas. The information is arranged vertically.

Use constant CLASSIC in field template.

Modern template

Modern invoice PDF template

A modern layout with clear lines and good demarcation.

Use constant MODERN in field template.

Minimalistic template

Minimalistic invoice PDF template

The minimalistic invoice template prioritizes a clean and straightforward design.

Use constant MINIMALISTIC in field template.

Possible errors

Identifier Description
message.unknownCurrency Parameter currency must be valid and provided as an ISO 4217 currency code.
message.unitPriceOrSumPriceMustNotBeNull Parameter unitPrice or sumPrice is required in items.
message.descriptionMustNotBeNull Parameter description is required in items.
message.templateMustNotBeNull Parameter template is required.
message.itemsMustNotBeEmpty Parameter items must contain at least one element.
message.senderMustNotBeNull Parameter sender is required.
message.recipientMustNotBeNull Parameter recipient is required.
message.percentOrValueMustNotBeNull Parameter percent or value is required in feeTaxItems.
message.swissQrInvoiceSupportsOnlyCertainCurrencies Swiss QR invoices only support CHF or EUR as currency.
message.nameMustNotBeEmpty Parameter name is required.
message.vatMustBeBetween0And100 The value vat in the invoice item is a percentage value and must be between 0 and 100.

If an EPC QR code is additionally created, errors of this endpoint can also happen. The same applies to the Swiss QR Invoice. Possible error codes can be found here.

It should be noted that there are a number of common error messages, which can be found in the "Possible errors" section of the general documentation.

Invoice PDF costs
Create beautiful PDF invoices just from JSON data with valid e-invoice data included
Credits spent
Credit cost per REST call
EUR per call
Price depends on your subscription